Sergei Rachmaninov (라흐마니노프)
판매가 35,000원  할인내역
할인내역 35,000 원
기본할인 7,000 원
판매가 28,000 원
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3~12개월 5만원이상
3~12개월 5만원이상
3~12개월 5만원이상
3~12개월 5만원이상
3~12개월 5만원이상
페이스북 트위터 구글 싸이월드 마이피플 
배송비 택배50,000원 이상 구매 시 무료
아티스트 Sergei Rachmaninov (라흐마니노프)
발매일 2010.07.14
제작사 Sonybmg
레이블 Sony Music
미디어구분 10CD
Cat.No 8803581174823
총 상품금액 28,000
음반정보 트랙정보 상품후기

위대한 작곡가이기 이전에 위대한 피아니스트였던 라흐마니노프의 레코딩 전집! (10CD)
Sergei Rachmaninoff: The Complete Recordings

위대한 작곡가이자 위대한 피아니스트였던 라흐마니노프가 자신이 쓴 작품들과 편곡 작품들을 직접 연주한 녹음을 모두 모은, 작곡가 개인의 기념비이자 귀중한 역사적 사료!

"라흐마니노프가 연주한 그의 피아노 협주곡을 들어보셨나요?
라흐마니노프가 연주한 "파가니니 주제에 의한 랩소디"를 들어보셨나요?
라흐마니노프가 지휘한 그의 교향곡을 들어보셨나요?"

라흐마니노프가 녹음한 현존 음반이 전부 포함된 이 10CD전집은 귀중한 역사적 사료로서의 가치를 넘어서 21세기를 살아가는 우리들에게 이 위대한 피아니스트가 지녔던 진솔함과 고결함을 그대로 전해준다.

그의 테크닉적인 능력과 음악을 해석하는 정통함은 천재적인 음악성에 따라오는 부수적인 것이었으며, 우리는 그 특별한 의미를 이 컬렉션을 통해 만날 수 있다.

그렇기에 이 전집은 작곡가면서 연주자였던 위대한 음악가들의 시대와 소통할 수 있는 유일한 청각 자료로 우리에게 남아있는 것이다.

★ 재발매를 기념하여 고급사양에 경제적인 가격으로 발매!
★ 라흐마니노프의 일생과 그의 레코딩 히스토리에 대한 상세한 해설수록 (한글 번역)

"그(라흐마니노프)는 금빛으로 빛나는, 마음 속 깊은 곳에서 우러나오는 살아있는 음색의 비밀을 지닌 피아니스트였다… 나는 언제나 그의 찬란하고 압도적인 음색의 마법에 걸려있었다. 그의 음악에는 거부할 수 없는 호소력과 아름다움이 있었다." - 아르투르 루빈스타인

★ 라흐마니노프가 직접 연주한 피아노 협주곡 1-4번 (필라델피아 오케스트라, 유진 오먼디/레오폴드 스토코프스키), 파가니니 랩소디, 전주곡, 악흥의 순간, 회화적 연습곡, 멜로디, 세레나데, 오리엔탈 스케치 외

★ 라흐마니노프가 지휘한 그의 교향곡 3번 (필라델피아 오케스트라)

★ 세기의 바이올리니스트 프리츠 크라이슬러와 함께 연주한 그리그의 바이올린 소나타

★ 베토벤 32 변주곡, 슈만 "사육제", 쇼팽 소나타 2번과 왈츠, 녹턴, 마주르카, 발라드 3번, 스케르초 3번, 리스트 "헝가리안 랩소디 2번" 외

★ 주옥같은 편곡작품들: 바흐, 모차르트, 크라이슬러 ("사랑의 기쁨" "사랑의 슬픔"), 슈베르트, 무소르그스키, 림스키-코르사코프 ("왕벌의 비행"), 멘델스존, 비제 외

음반정보 트랙정보 상품후기
01. Rachmaninoff: Concerto No. 2, Op. 18 (Recorded 1929)- Moderato; Allegro
02. Rachmaninoff: Concerto No. 2, Op. 18 (Recorded 1929) - Adagio sostenuto
03. Rachmaninoff: Concerto No. 2, Op. 18 (Recorded 1929) - Allegro scherzando
04. Rachmaninoff: Concerto No. 3, Op. 30 - Allegro ma non tanto
05. Rachmaninoff: Concerto No. 3, Op. 30 - Intermezzo: Adagio
06. Rachmaninoff: Concerto No. 3, Op. 30 - Finale: Alla breve

01. Rachmaninoff: Concerto No. 1, Op. 1 - Vivace
02. Rachmaninoff: Concerto No. 1, Op. 1 - Andante
03. Rachmaninoff: Concerto No. 1, Op. 1 - Allegro vivace
04. Rachmaninoff: Concerto No. 4, Op. 40 - Allegro vivace
05. Rachmaninoff: Concerto No. 4, Op. 40 - Largo
06. Rachmaninoff: Concerto No. 4, Op. 40 - Allegro vivace
07. Rachmaninoff:“Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini” - Introduction: Allegro vivace
08. Rachmaninoff:“Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini” - Variation Ⅰ: (Precedente)
09. Rachmaninoff:“Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini” - Tema: L'istesso tempo
10. Rachmaninoff:“Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini” - Variation Ⅱ: L'istesso tempo
11. Rachmaninoff:“Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini” - Variation Ⅲ: L'istesso tempo
12. Rachmaninoff:“Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini” - Variation Ⅳ: Piu vivo
13. Rachmaninoff:“Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini” - Variation Ⅴ: Tempo precedente
14. Rachmaninoff:“Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini” - Variation Ⅵ: L'istesso tempo
15. Rachmaninoff:“Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini” - Variation Ⅶ: Meno mosso, a tempo moderato
16. Rachmaninoff:“Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini” - Variation Ⅷ: TempoⅠ
17. Rachmaninoff:“Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini” - Variation Ⅸ: L'istesso tempo
18. Rachmaninoff:“Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini” - Variation Ⅹ: Poco marcato
19. Rachmaninoff:“Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini” - Variation ⅩⅠ: Moderato
20. Rachmaninoff:“Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini” - Variation ⅩⅡ: Tempo di minuetto
21. Rachmaninoff:“Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini” - Variation ⅩⅢ: Allegro
22. Rachmaninoff:“Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini” - Variation ⅩⅣ: L'istesso tempo
23. Rachmaninoff:“Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini” - Variation ⅩⅤ: Piu vivo scherzando
24. Rachmaninoff:“Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini” - Variation ⅩⅥ: Allegretto
25. Rachmaninoff:“Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini” - Variation ⅩⅦ: [Allegretto]
26. Rachmaninoff:“Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini” - Variation ⅩⅧ: Andante cantabile
27. Rachmaninoff:“Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini” - Variation ⅩⅨ: A tempo vivace
28. Rachmaninoff:“Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini” - Variation ⅩⅩ: Un poco piu vivo
29. Rachmaninoff:“Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini” - Variation ⅩⅩⅠ: Un poco piu vivo
30. Rachmaninoff:“Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini” - Variation ⅩⅩⅡ: Un poco piu vivo (Alla breve)
31. Rachmaninoff:“Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini” - Variation ⅩⅩⅢ: L'istesso tempo
32. Rachmaninoff:“Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini” - Variation ⅩⅩⅣ: A tempo un poco meno mosso

01. Rachmaninoff: Isle of the Dead, Op. 29
02. Rachmaninoff: Vocalise, Op. 34, No. 14 (Orchestration: Rachmaninoff)
03. Rachmaninoff: Symphony No. 3, Op. 44 - Lento; Allegro moderato (conducted by Rachmaninoff)
04. Rachmaninoff: Symphony No. 3, Op. 44 - Adagio ma non troppo (conducted by Rachmaninoff)
05. Rachmaninoff: Symphony No. 3, Op. 44 ? Allegro (conducted by Rachmaninoff)

01. Beethoven: Sonata, Op. 30, No. 3 - Allegro assai
02. Beethoven: Sonata, Op. 30, No. 3 - Tempo di minuetto, ma molto moderato e grazioso
03. Beethoven: Sonata, Op. 30, No. 3 - Allegro vivace
04. Schubert: Sonata, D.574 - Allegro moderato
05. Schubert: Sonata, D.574 - Scherzo: Presto; Trio
06. Schubert: Sonata, D.574 - Andantino
07. Schubert: Sonata, D.574 - Allegro vivace
08. Grieg: Violin Sonata, Op. 45 - Allegro molto ed appassionato (with Fritz Kreisler, violin)
09. Grieg: Violin Sonata, Op. 45 - Allegretto espressivo alla Romanza (with Fritz Kreisler, violin)
10. Grieg: Violin Sonata, Op. 45 - Allegro animato (violin: Fritz Kreisler)

01. J.S. Bach: Sarabande (from Partita No. 4, BWV 828)
02. Handel: Air and Variations ("Harmonious Blacksmith" from Harpsichord Suite No.5)
03. Mozart: Rondo alla turca/Turkish March
04. Beethoven: 32 Variations, WoO 80 : Thema: Allegretto
05. Beethoven: 32 Variations, WoO 80 : Variation Ⅰ
06. Beethoven: 32 Variations, WoO 80 : Variation Ⅱ
07. Beethoven: 32 Variations, WoO 80 : Variation Ⅲ
08. Beethoven: 32 Variations, WoO 80 : Variation Ⅳ
09. Beethoven: 32 Variations, WoO 80 : Variation Ⅴ
10. Beethoven: 32 Variations, WoO 80 : Variation Ⅵ
11. Beethoven: 32 Variations, WoO 80 : Variation Ⅶ
12. Beethoven: 32 Variations, WoO 80 : Variation Ⅷ
13. Beethoven: 32 Variations, WoO 80 : Variation Ⅸ
14. Beethoven: 32 Variations, WoO 80 : Variation Ⅹ
15. Beethoven: 32 Variations, WoO 80 : Variation ⅩⅠ
16. Beethoven: 32 Variations, WoO 80 : Variation ⅩⅡ
17. Beethoven: 32 Variations, WoO 80 : Variation ⅩⅢ
18. Beethoven: 32 Variations, WoO 80 : Variation ⅩⅣ
19. Beethoven: 32 Variations, WoO 80 : Variation ⅩⅨ
20. Beethoven: 32 Variations, WoO 80 : Variation ⅩⅩⅡ
21. Beethoven: 32 Variations, WoO 80 : Variation ⅩⅩⅢ
22. Beethoven: 32 Variations, WoO 80 : Variation ⅩⅩⅣ
23. Beethoven: 32 Variations, WoO 80 : Variation ⅩⅩⅤ
24. Beethoven: 32 Variations, WoO 80 : Variation ⅩⅩⅥ
25. Beethoven: 32 Variations, WoO 80 : Variation ⅩⅩⅦ
26. Beethoven: 32 Variations, WoO 80 : Variation ⅩⅩⅧ
27. Beethoven: 32 Variations, WoO 80 : Variation ⅩⅩⅩⅠ
28. Beethoven: 32 Variations, WoO 80 : Variation ⅩⅩⅩⅡ
29. Chopin/Liszt: Return Home/Heimkehr
30. Chopin/Liszt: The Maiden's Wish/Madchens Wunsch
31. Schubert/Liszt: Das Wandern (from Die schone Mullerin)
32. Schubert/Liszt: Serenade/Standchen (from Schwanengesang)
33. Liszt: Polonaise No. 2
34. Mendelssohn: Spinning Song/Spinnerlied
35. Schubert: Impromptu, Op. 90, No. 4
36. Liszt: Gnomenreigen (Concert Etude No. 2)
37. Gluck/Sgambati: Melodie (from Orfeo ed Euridice)
38. Mendelssohn: Etude, Op. 104b, No. 2
39. Mendelssohn: Etude, Op. 104b, No. 3
40. Schumann/Tausig: Der Kontrabandiste/The Smuggler (from Spanisches Liederspiel)
41. Paderewski: Minuet, Op. 14, No. Ⅰ
42. Kreisler/Rachmaninoff: Liebesfreud

01. Chopin: Sonata No. 2, Op. 35 "Funeral March" - Grave; Doppio movimento
02. Chopin: Sonata No. 2, Op. 35 "Funeral March" - Scherzo
03. Chopin: Sonata No. 2, Op. 35 "Funeral March" - Marche funebre
04. Chopin: Sonata No. 2, Op. 35 "Funeral March" - Presto
05. Schumann:“Carnaval,” Op. 9 - Preambule
06. Schumann:“Carnaval,” Op. 9 - Pierrot
07. Schumann:“Carnaval,” Op. 9 - Arlequin
08. Schumann:“Carnaval,” Op. 9 - Valse noble
09. Schumann:“Carnaval,” Op. 9 - Eusebius
10. Schumann:“Carnaval,” Op. 9 - Florestan
11. Schumann:“Carnaval,” Op. 9 - Coquette
12. Schumann:“Carnaval,” Op. 9 - Replique
13. Schumann:“Carnaval,” Op. 9 - Sphinxes
14. Schumann:“Carnaval,” Op. 9 - Papillons
15. Schumann:“Carnaval,” Op. 9 - A.S.C.H.―S.C.H.A.(Lettres dansantes)
16. Schumann:“Carnaval,” Op. 9 - Chiarina
17. Schumann:“Carnaval,” Op. 9 - Chopin
18. Schumann:“Carnaval,” Op. 9 - Estrella
19. Schumann:“Carnaval,” Op. 9 - Reconnaissance
20. Schumann:“Carnaval,” Op. 9 - Pantalon et Colombine
21. Schumann:“Carnaval,” Op. 9 - Valse allemande
22. Schumann:“Carnaval,” Op. 9 - Paganini (Intermezzo)
23. Schumann:“Carnaval,” Op. 9 - Aveu
24. Schumann:“Carnaval,” Op. 9 - Promenade
25. Schumann:“Carnaval,” Op. 9 - Pause
26. Schumann:“Carnaval,” Op. 9 - Marche des "Davidsbundler" contre les Philistins
27. Chopin: Nocturne, Op. 9, No. 2
28. Chopin: Waltz, Op. 64, No. 2
29. Chopin: Waltz, Op. 64, No. 3
30. Chopin: Ballade No 3, Op. 47
31. Chopin: Mazurka, Op. 68, No. 2
32. Chopin: Waltz, Op. posth.

01. Bach/Rachmaninoff: Preludio
02. Bach/Rachmaninoff: Gavotte
03. Bach/Rachmaninoff: Gigue
04. Mendelssohn/Rachmaninoff: Scherzo (from A Midsummer Night's Dream)
05. Kreisler/Rachmaninoff: Liebesfreud
06. Schubert/Rachmaninoff: Wohin?/The Brooklet (from Die schone Mullerin)
07. Rachmaninoff: Polka de V.R.
08. Rachmaninoff: Etude-tableau, Op. 39, No. 6
09. Rachmaninoff: Prelude, Op. 3, No. 2
10. Mussorgsky/Rachmaninoff: Hopak (from Sorochintsy Fair)
11. Tchaikovsky/Rachmaninoff: Lullaby, Op. 16, No. Ⅰ
12. Rimsky-Korsakov/Rachmaninoff: The Flight of the Bumblebee
13. Beethoven/Rubinstein: Turkish March (1925)
14. Borodin: Scherzo
15. Tchaikovsky: Troika
16. Scriabin: Prelude, Op. Ⅱ, No. 8
17. J. Strauss Ⅱ/Tausig: Man lebt nur einmal/One Lives But Once
18. Traditional/Rachmaninoff: Powder and Paint (with Nadejda Plevitskaya, mezzo-soprano)
19. Rachmaninoff: Polka italienne (piano 4 hands; with Natalie Rachmaninoff)

01. Rachmaninoff: Concerto No. 2, Op. 18: Moderato; Allegro
02. Rachmaninoff: Concerto No. 2, Op. 18: Adagio sostenuto
03. Rachmaninoff: Concerto No. 2, Op. 18: Allegro scherzando
04. Rachmaninoff: Prelude, Op. 23, No. 10
05. Rachmaninoff: Prelude, Op. 32, No. 3
06. Rachmaninoff: Prelude, Op. 32, No. 7
07. Rachmaninoff: Prelude, Op. 32, No. 6
08. Rachmaninoff: Etude-tableau, Op. 33, No. 2
09. Rachmaninoff: Etude-tableau, Op. 33, No. 7
10. Rachmaninoff: Daisies. Op. 38, No. 3 (Transcription: Rachmaninoff)
11. Rachmaninoff: Oriental Sketch
12. Rachmaninoff: Melodie, Op. 3, No. 3
13. Rachmaninoff: Serenade, Op. 3, No. 5
14. Rachmaninoff: Humoresque, Op. 10, No. 5
15. Rachmaninoff: Lilacs, Op. 21, No. 5 (Transcription: Rachmaninoff)
16. Rachmaninoff: Moment musical, Op. 16, No. 2

01. Chopin: Mazurka, Op. 63, No. 3
02. Chopin: Nocturne, Op. 15, No. 2
03. Chopin: Waltz, Op. 18 "Grande valse brillante"
04. Chopin: Waltz, Op. 34, No. 3 "Valse brillante"
05. Chopin: Waltz, Op. 64, No. 1 "Minute"
06. Chopin: Waltz, Op. 69, No. 2
07. Chopin: Waltz, Op. 70, No. 1
08. Chopin: Scherzo No. 3, Op. 39
09. Chopin: Waltz, Op. 64, No. 1 "Minute"
10. Daquin: Le coucou
11. Bizet/Rachmaninoff: Minuet (from "L'arlesienne" Suite No. 1)
12. Saint-Saens/Siloti: The Swan (from Carnival of the Animals)
13. Mendelssohn: Spinning Song/Spinnerlied
14. Grieg: Waltz
15. Grieg: Elfin Dance/Elfentanz(from Lyric Pieces, Op. 12/Lyrische Stucke)
16. Dohnanyi: Etude, Op. 28, No. 6
17. Henselt: Si oiseau j'etais/If I Were a Bird
18. Moszkowski: La jongleuse (Etude, Op. 52, No. 4)
19. Debussy: Dr. Gradus ad Parnassum
20. Debussy: Golliwogg's Cakewalk
21. Tchaikovsky: Troika (The Seasons: November)
22. Tchaikovsky: Humoresque, Op. 10, No. 2
23. Tchaikovsky: Waltz, Op. 40, No. 8

01. Rachmaninoff: Prelude, Op. 23, No. 5
02. Rachmaninoff: Prelude, Op. 32, No. 12
03. Rachmaninoff: Prelude, Op. 3, No. 2
04. Rachmaninoff: Prelude, Op. 32, No. 5
05. Rachmaninoff: Serenade, Op. 3, No. 5
06. Rachmaninoff: Lilacs, Op. 21, No. 5 (Transcription: Rachmaninoff)
07. Rachmaninoff: Polichinelle, Op. 3, No. 4
08. Rachmaninoff: Polka de V.R.
09. Kreisler/Rachmaninoff: Liebesleid
10. Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 (Cadenza: Rachmaninoff)
11. D. Scarlatti/Tausig: Pastorale (after Sonata, L.413)
12. Mozart: Theme and Variations (Sonata, K.331:Ⅰ)
13. Chopin: Waltz, Op. 42 "Two-Four"
14. Chopin: Waltz, Op. 64, No. 3
15. Rachmaninoff: Polka de V.R.
16. Rachmaninoff: Barcarolle, Op. 10, No. 3
17. Rachmaninoff: Prelude, Op. 3, No. 2

음반정보 트랙정보 상품후기